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Unlocking App Growth for LUSH with Potato Radar


Confronted with a diverse range of ideas and strategies for app development, LUSH turned to Potato's expertise by undergoing a thorough Potato Radar evaluation. This assessment not only pinpointed LUSH's product strengths but also offered strategic guidance, bringing clarity to LUSH's product roadmap.


Since opening their doors nearly 30 years ago, LUSH has been a trailblazer in the cosmetics industry, fusing innovation with a strong commitment to ethical practices.

While LUSH has firmly established their footprint in web-based e-commerce, the team set out to enhance customer engagement and foster advocacy through their dedicated mobile app.

As a category leader, the LUSH in-house design and engineering teams weren’t short of creative concepts for their developmental roadmap.

Strategically aligning these ideas with their user needs demanded a thoughtful and strategic approach to identify the most impactful enhancements for the app, ensuring LUSH continued to resonate with their target audience.

LUSH Miro board LUSH - Team Working


LUSH sought Potato’s expertise to navigate the confluence of diverse ideas using Potato Radar, our in-house framework for heuristic product evaluation. Potato Radar combines user-focused product behaviour insights, lightweight accessibility compliance checks, and other product-level focus zones to provide a holistic audit. Our team evaluation provides a solid foundation to guide growth efforts, ensuring product teams can focus on areas that make the most impact.

Our Product and Design experts conducted an in-depth evaluation of the LUSH mobile app across 12 dimensions, including Product Quality, First Impressions, Task Orientation, Navigation & IA, Forms & Data Entry, Trust & Credibility, Content Quality, Page Layout & Visual Design, Search, Messages, Accessibility, and Sustainability.

The results and findings were then consolidated into an actionable report. The evaluation scores revealed both the app's strengths and areas requiring enhancement, offering insights toward building a roadmap for positive change, so that more customers could benefit from the LUSH app, more often.

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Our Potato Radar evaluation provided comprehensive insights into the LUSH app’s current strengths, highlighting positive aspects such as the app’s impressive first impression and branding, fostering trust and credibility among their user base. It also pinpointed the most strategic direction to expand some of their ambitious features.

Our Potato Radar report offered:

Structured evaluation: Potato Radar provided a systematic and structured approach to assessing the product, covering critical aspects of user interaction and experience.

Problem identification and prioritisation: Using our user-centric design principles, our team identified and prioritised the problem areas within the app experience, allowing for more focused enhancements.

Guided redesign conversations: A structured evaluation will guide discussions during redevelopment phases, helping prioritise redesign efforts based on any identified areas that could benefit from a different direction.

Quantifiable assessment: Potato Radar’s metric scoring allows for a measurable evaluation of the product, offering a visual representation of its strengths and areas for development. This not only supports strategic decision-making but also establishes a valuable framework for ongoing progress measurement and the assessment of enhancements over time.


Potato Radar serves as a practical asset for businesses seeking to enhance their digital products. With its structured evaluation and comprehensive assessment, it efficiently highlights a product's strengths and areas that could benefit from improvement. This process ultimately guides the development of a user-centric product strategy, ensuring a more effective and user-friendly digital experience.

If you're seeking a strategic evaluation for your app, website, or digital product, like LUSH did, our team at Potato can help. Get in touch now to discuss how Potato Radar, can benefit your product.

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